It is time for a SUPER HERO

Have you seen #NoFeeMan? No Fee Man was our funny way of addressing the fact that there are some brokerages who are loading up on extra fees for their clients and frankly, it's not something that we at Generations Realty believe in.  Want to see some of #NoFeeMan 's shenanighans? Check out our TikTok

When we heard that some brokerages were charging fees just for fun...we had to step in because when a villan emerges- it is time for a super hero! No Fee Man was an idea to bring attention to the fact that a few area brokerages are charging additional junk fees on top of the commission.  And we can't figure out where they go.

Want to avoid fees yourself? First, ask your agent if they charge extra fees on top of the commission.  Or make it easy on yourself and contact one of our 5 star agents.  Generations Realty is not going to charge hidden fees, junk fees, buyer fees, transaction fees....whatever you are going to call them- we don't have them!